Hydrocodone withdrawal

Hydrocodone Addiction
takes many forms; for instance, you may be addicted to the game of getting hydrocodone and yes it is a game.

Why am I saying this is because we play games by going to our physicians pretending like we are in severe pain.

We have found ways and means to get our hydrocodone. Here is one we have learned that the name vicodin has been worn out by other addicts and Drs. are Leary about prescribing vicodin.

This does not stop us we simply tell the Dr. of our choice that our mother gave us a lortab to try and we and it really helped. He may have never even prescribed lortab before so you are good to go.

Why don't you stop playing this game and play the recovery game it is a lot more fun and this I can guarantee but when we quit we will have to go through hydrocodone withdrawal.

You can either choose to go through this either cold turkey at home or go to hydrocodone addiction treatment and be medically detoxed.

If you choose to go through hydrocodone withdrawal let me be the first to inform you that it will be a nasty little withdrawal.

It will include symthoms like vomiting diarrhea, cold sweats, anxiety, just to name a few.

I would however make some plans for when I leave treatment these could be something like this.
Why don't you make a game of seeing how many NA meetings you can make in a week.

If you really want the pain to go away and are tired of playing games then why not try kicking hydrocodne now. One way that I would suggest is going to hydrocodone Treatment.

I went to long term treatment and because of this I am clean today and able to write blogs to help other addicts get free from active addiction.

If you are clean today and want to take your recovery to the next level reach out and help another addict. I can not tell you how good this will make you feel. There is a saying that goes we can only way we can keep what we have is by giving it away. I think this is very true.


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