Beat Lortab Addiction

Many people end up with a lortab addiction by going to a doctor and getting Lortab -hydrocodone because it  relieves pain by binding opioid receptors in your brain. It is said to work great for persons with mild to severe pain.

This is great some people actually need pain medication for legit reasons. Then there are others like myself who's sole purpose for this drug was to get high.

This is who I am trying to reach today those of you who commonly
abuse drugs.

Lortab addiction
can be a bitch just like any other drug addiction.

Once again it is easily obtained from a number of physicians. The reason for this is the name of this drug is not very common for instance like vicodin.

has been so widely seen in the media that most 6th graders can tell you what it is. That is also how widely abused it is. 

This is a list of drugs similar to lortab


Bancap HC




Anolor DH5


All of the drugs listed above will have the same affect on your pain they also come in different strengths.

Anyway back to
lortab addiction. I am going to suggest some ways to
beat Lortab Addiction. There is going to be some withdrawal involved nothing comes without a price.

Here are a couple things you can try.Try Going to NA meetings this should help get your mind off using if only for an hour and a half.

If this does not work for you then I would suggest that you take acion and use this approach go to
addiction treatment.

Lortab withdrawal

If you go some type of opiate addiction you will get all the help you need to overcome lortab addiction. You will be well taken care of by trained medical staff who will see to you everyday needs as well as administer prescription medications to help ease any pain associated with lortab withdrawal. 

This type of detox from lortab normally takes around 5 days. I would recommend that when finished you go directly to residential treatment so you can learn some new addiction recovery tools to help you to remain clean when you leave treatment.

The thing is it has to be long term
treatment If you are prepared to make this kind of commitment then go for it you will not be disappointed.

I made a commitment to go to drug addiction treatment for 2 years believe me I was not disappointed it change my life 360%. I even went back to school and I am a middle aged man this is what getting clean can do for you. I can also do many other wonderful things if you learn to  beat lortab addiction.

You may even find out that you can enjoy life with out the
use of drugs.


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