oxy addiction

You would need one of these to keep your Oxy addiction going.

Oxy's aka Oxycodone was devoloped in Germany in 1916 from thebaine. Today it is commonly prescribed for moderate to severe pain.

Oxycodone can be combined with binders then it is like Oxycontin. It is made into drugs like Percocet, endocet, Tylox and Foxicet.

All of these drugs are extremely addictive. I would advise using caution if you have to take any of these drugs for pain.

However if you have become addicted to any of these drugs you can get clean. Yes recovery from oxy addiction is indeed possible.

To recover from addiction action is necessary. Without action you will fail again. If you are like me you are use to failure.

We must do something different if we want to succeed. Take steps to free yourself from oxy addiction.

Do what ever it takes to get clean I did. You will have to do a 18o% turn. This is what I would suggest.

If you can not get clean going to meetings go to addiction treatment. I went to addiction treatment for 2 years.

This may sound like a long time but then again how long have drugs kept you down. They kept me down for over 30 years.

It really does not matter how long you used what matters is that you want to stop using Oxy's.

Prescription meds
, are hard to quit using. It will not happen overnight this is why I recommend going to oxycontin rehab. There you can be medically deoxed from oxy's without being concerned too much with the withdrawal. So if you really want to beat oxy addiction make plans to go today!

Make a decision to go today. Trust me in the end you will be grateful you did.


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