Percocet Abuse and Percocet Withdrawal

Percocet abuse can lead to  Percocet withdrawal and both are quite common today. Percocet is one of the many popular drugs that contain aspirin and oxycodone, abusers of this drug often refer to them as Oxys.

Similar like drugs that produce the same affect include oxycodone, percodan, tylox, oxycontin, and roxicodone. These drugs are over prescribed quite frequently therefore there is the potential for percocet abuse which often leads to percocet addiction.

All of these drugs are highly addictive. They are intended for the relief of pain but addicts have found that they produce a similar affect to heroin and are easily obtainable.

The question here is are you using them for legitimate pain relief or are you percocet withdrawal If you use percocet for any length of time you will become addicted to them. When you try to stop using percocet you will have what is know as symptoms of opiate withdrawal.

How to get through withdrawal from percocet at home

Now keep in mind that withdrawal from percocet can be dealt with at home using subutex prescribed by a physician. It is up too you to make up your mind whether you want to do a percocet detox quickly; for example, lets say two weeks or whether you want to be on suboxone maintenance.

If you think you need more help than this then look into going into Oxycodone treatment. There you can be detoxed from oxycodone medically.

It is possible to beat percocet withdrawal

Percocet withdrawal symptoms

There are many symptoms that are associated with going through withdrawal from this drug will include but may not be limited too.The withdrawal symptoms from this drug include nausea, upset stomach, clamminess, mild to moderate aches and pains, and even in some cases convulsions and death.This drug is a very powerful synthetic opiate that consists of acetaminophen and a narcotic called oxycodone.

If you suspect that you are addicted to this drug, it is imperative that you seek out the help of a trained professional before you stop taking it. Sudden drops in dosage can cause you to go through withdrawal from this medication can be potentially dangerous.

There are many options to out there to kick percocet we have discussed how to stop percocet at home now lets talk about going to opiate rehab.

Getting free from percocet withdrawal in opiate rehab

If you have had enough of using and abusing this drug and are tired of being broke and half sick every time you run out then I would suggest that you go to opiate addiction rehab. There you can be detoxed medically and will not have to be very concerned with being sick during withdrawal because you will be given prescription medications to ease the pain.

If you go you will be well taken care of by trained medical staff members who will be there to help you 24/7. They will help walk you through your detox by reassuring you that thing are going to be just fine. Some of the staff may be recovering addicts themselves. They will also give you your medication at the appropriate times.

Good luck


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