Withdrawal from heroin at home without medication

I think one of the hardest things a heroin addict will have to do is withdrawal from heroin. This is not to be taken lightly but at the same time it is not as bad as what you see in the movies. Hollywood is famous for blowing things out of proportion therefore there is a myth about withdrawal from heroin. It all depends on how you go about quitting heroin. If you kick at home there is no question that it will tax your body and mind.

If you do decide to withdrawal from heroin at home then one must be prepared to face the symptoms of heroin withdrawal these will include but are not limited to stomach and leg cramps, headache, diarrhea, insomnia, craving heroin, goose bumps and anxiety, and lastly the desire to give up and go use.

OK let’s say you decide you are going to go this route I have found it best to have someone stay with me during this time. They are great support for the heroin addict. Now you can get a few things that will help you with your withdrawal from heroin like Benadryl this will help you to sleep also get some Motrin for your leg cramps and headaches.

Were it me and trust me it has been I would force myself to stay awake the day before I intend to stop using heroin. This just may help you too sleep through the worst of your heroin withdrawal.

One thing that I would include in my plans which I would considet is a must is that what are you going to do once you finish with your detox heroin I mean are you going to attend NA meetings or go to individual addiction counseling? It is necessary to make a schedule of the meetings you will be attending as well as any therapy sessions you may be having.

Another option is going to heroin rehab there you can withdrawal from heroin by being detoxed for heroin medically. Then when that is finished you can attend residential treatment. This is a great way to go with little or no pain at all. Which ever way you choose you must take action.

Good luck


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