How to help a heroin addict overcome drug addiction

How to help a heroin addict to get the help they need to overcome drug addiction

There are no magical tricks or secrets when it comes to these things. Some people probably imagine they can scare, threaten, or coerce a heroin addict into quitting heroin. I am here to tell you that this will not work it will only drive them farther away.

A lot if not all heroin addicts are throwing away their lives and they seem to know it. Threats will mean absolutely nothing to the person who is self destructing. It’s very hard to intimate someone who has nothing to lose. It is possible to influence their behavior but not in a direct manner.

How to help a heroin addict make the decision to go to treatment?

Trying to convince someone to stop using heroin can be very difficult but getting someone to a say they will go to treatment is a lot easier. Most heroin addicts who are clean today can tell you when they decided that they had enough; for instance, the straw that broke the camels back so to speak this is the moment of complete and utter surrender.

Once someone has reached this point any thing that you do to help them will more than likely work. Pretty much any treatment center they choose to go to will have very good results. If they are not to this point yet then there simply is nothing one can do to help because noting is going to work to help them stop their drug use.

I would now quit enabling them this means give them no money or rides and if they land in jail do not bail them out if you do any of these things to help them it will only delay in them actually getting the help they need.

One of the best ways how to help a heroin addict is to just offer to drive them to treatment and if they refuse do not push them because they are not ready. I would just prepare myself for when they do surrender and admit that the disease has kicked their butt. Have a plan for this contact some heroin rehabs and see what is available and whether they offer heroin detox.

One will know when this happens because they will ask for help. Now you can bring forth the idea of going to treatment and they will indeed go.


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