Can I stop withdrawal and get addiction help with Rapid Opiate Detox

How Can I stop heroin withdrawal and get the addiction help I need with Rapid Opiate Detox

It seems that a lot of patients who have gone through the RDD detox for opiates have reported success as far as the elimination of opiate withdrawal symptoms and they report emotional well being as well.

In most cases prior to the actual procedure the patient will go to the facility and meet with certified addiction specialist Dr. for their medical evaluation because being under anesthesia does have risks people with high blood pressure will be refused the Rapid Drug Detox and this is understandable.

You'll be made very comfortable

The day of the procedure you be given medication that will help you to relax before going under anesthesia. Once you are under drugs you will be given medication that will remove all the opiates from your body. When you are finished you will spend the day in recovery where you will be watched by a medical staff you will more than likely not remember anything of your opiate withdrawal. Then you return to your room for the next couple of days where you will be made as comfortable as possible to finish the process most of the time will probably be spent sleeping or resting. I think for those who can afford it this is a great way how to stop withdrawal with Rapid opiate detox.

If there happens to be any remaining discomfort the Dr’s will see to it that you are taken care of. Nurses and Dr’s are always available.The total stay for the RDD procedure is around 3-4 days.

I have to be honest this all sounds to good to be true there are some hitches to the RDD method of opiate detox. One drawback is that it is very expensive one place advertises for $7000. If you intend to do a RDD then I would certainly look around because prices will probably vary considerably.

One more thing one needs to think about is that it can be dangerous. It has been reported that patients have died from this procedure from being under too long so again check out the place you intend to use for your rapid drug detox.

Check out this video on Rapid drug detox.


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