Kick heroin withdrawal symptoms help

Kick heroin withdrawal symptoms help

The Road to Reocvery

Heroin is a very powerful drug therefore the way you choose to kick heroin and how you can get help for the withdrawal symptoms are many. The question is how you want to go about it, do you want to stay home and tough it out on the couch watching movies or would you rather go to treatment for heroin detox.

Now if you choose to stay home and withdrawal from heroin this is called heroin cold turkey and it is very hard to do and it will try your last nerve but many have done it this way because a lot of individuals simply can not afford to go to treatment so this is their only option.

If you do decide to stay at home and dry out then one must understand exactly what they will be facing so here are a few of the heroin symptoms.

1. Nausea and vomiting.

2. Insomnia.

3. Sweats.

4. Chills or goose bumps.

5. No appetite.

6. Dehydration.

7. Strong desire to use.

8. Depression

If you think you can handle the heroin withdrawal this way with no drugs except over the counter medication then by all means go for it. I have done it but it is hard. If you do this you must follow this up immediately with something that is based on recovery for instance, NA meetings. I did not and the results were back to the same old thing the getting and using drugs and finding new ways to get more again so do not do as I did.

If this is not for you then maybe heroin detox is. This type of treatment is a lot easier on the mind as well as the body because you can go through heroin withdrawal with hardly any discomfort at all. They will generally detox you using prescription medications to help you with this. In any case do something or you will more than likely land in prison or die from a heroin overdose because the deck is stacked against you.

Good luck


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