What is the Heroin withdrawal length

The question people seem to be interested a lot in lately is heroin withdrawal length. This can vary quite a bit because there are a few differentiating factors that need to be figured in to come up with the desired answer. The first question I would ask is how long you have been using heroin and the second is how much. I would also consider the frequency of use to determine how rough your heroin withdrawal may be.

I mean are you just a casual user and picked up a habit along the way or are you a full blown heroin shooting junkie. If this is the case your withdrawal may be a lot harder to get through.

Today I will discuss the moderate heroin user who wants to know the heroin withdrawal length. Like I said do the math and figure out where you stand but anyway if a person just stops using heroin for what ever reason I can tell you that from my experience that you can pretty much depend on without a doubt that the heroin withdrawal to kick in pretty good within the first 24 hours but again this will depend on the amount used. If you are a very heavy user you could start to withdrawal in as little as 6 to 8 hours.

Heroin withdrawal

Now let’s say you have just stopped using heroin you can plan on being good and sick for anywhere from 3 to 5 days but post acute withdrawal can last a few years because of the damage we have done to are bodies.

OK During this time you will experience wanting to use or in other words urges, cold or hot sweats, headache, muscle cramps, diarrhea, insomnia, and goose bumps, do not freak out this is the common side effects of  heroin detox.

I would not worry about the time it will take instead I would focus on a positive recovery based solution; for instance, what are you going to do for your recovery to ensure that you stay clean when your heroin withdrawal is finished. I would suggest that you write every thing down that you are willing to do for your recovery on paper and make a commitment to take the action to do everything on the list.

This may include making a commitment to attend 12 step meetings like NA or make an appointment to some one on one addiction therapy sessions.  The thing I am getting at here is that if you do not take positive action right from the get go you will inevitably relapse and end up back in the same familiar predicament.

This is the way I got clean at home and anyone can get clean and lose the desire to use this includes you too.

Good luck


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