How to get over your dependency on dilaudid

Many people around the world have found themselves dependent on one type of prescription drug or another. This is unfortunate but it is a fact of life because many people develop a liking to the particular drug they are using for pain.

The drug that sticks in my mind is called dilaudid. I know beyond a reasonable doubt that it is a favorite of heroin junkies. How do I know that you may be thinking how does he know this, well the answer is that I was a heroin junky for well over 30 years however, I am clean today!

How to get over your dependency on dilaudid

It does not really matter how you acquired your dependency to dilaudid. What really matters is that you have had enough of waking up sick from dilaudid withdrawal. There is a solution to this problem. One solution is to simply eliminate dilaudid from your life. This can be done in a Varity of ways. The first way I will let you know about today is called the dilaudid taper. This is done by reducing the amount and frequency of your normal dose each day; for example, an easy way to do it is to eliminate the number of milligrams you take each day like if you’re using 40 mg cut back 4mg each day until you get to zero.

The next way to kick dilaudid is to go to rehab and be detox from dilaudid. This is a simple process performed by a medical staff. They will use medications to help ease the pain of withdrawal. The whole detox will last approximately 4 or 5 days. Then you are free to go home but if it were me I would continue on in residential treatment. This is to help ensure that you remain clean upon reentry into society and do not return to using dilaudid. Trust me this process does work I have been there and done that. My life is 100% better because of it. If this does not work I would recommend that you go to long term drug treatment. Why not take action right now and stop using dilaudid and go to rehab it may even save your life.


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