Methods to Self detox from heroin

There are probably several ways in which one can self detox from heroin. Today we will explore a couple of them. The first way I will talk about today is the method of self heroin detox at home. This can be done with or without medications. For the sake of those who want to be comfortable during their heroin detox I will talk about heroin to suboxone. If you chose to stop using heroin with suboxone then you will have to find a Dr. that can prescribe this medication because all Dr’s are not licensed to do so.

Self detox from heroin

Once you locate one make an appointment to come in and talk with the physician. When you finally get to your appointment tell him or her of your plans to kick heroin and let them know approximately how long you would like to be on the drug. If you have no idea what you are doing ask them to set you up a self heroin detox schedule. After this all that you need to do is go home and start taking your medication as prescribed.

I would suggest that you have a plan in place for how you intend to stay clean. Like do you plan on attending NA meetings or going to individual drug addiction therapy? I would sit down and take pen to paper and write out all the things I am willing to do to stay clean. This will not take long and you may be surprised to find out what you are actually willing to do to for your self help heroin detox and remain drug free.


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