Smoking heroin guide to stop chasing the dragon

If you came to this site thinking you were going to be guided in how to smoke heroin then you are probably in the wrong place but then again maybe not because one never knows when the actual seed will get planted to make an addict want to stop using. Anyway this site is intended to help struggling addicts like myself to get clean and stay clean. Even though I have been clean for a while now does not make me immune to what life throws at me. I do struggle from time to time but I have the tools to make it through without picking up any dope you too can learn how to stop smoking heroin.

Smoking heroin guide

Anyone who has been to rehab knows what these tools are. If you have not been to rehab and think you have a problem with smoking heroin then you may want to consider going. If you do decide to go this is what you can expect to happen- the first day there you will be given medications to help ease the discomfort of heroin withdrawal. This will be done by people who have been trained in this area of expertise. One may find that they are a little uncomfortable until the medications take effect. In most cases they will use suboxone to detox you from smoking heroin. Your detox will normally take anywhere from 3 to 5 days. During this time you will not be required to do anything so basically you will be getting a lot of much needed bed rest.

Now when you are done detoxing from heroin smoking then I would recommend that you continue your recovery in residential treatment this will give you the tools I was talking about earlier to help you to remain clean when you leave rehab. While there you will be required to attend 12 step meetings, group, and lectures. Most places offer individual counseling as well.

If you have any recovery related experiences please share them with us.

Good luck


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