The Addiction Inbox Top Ten

A rundown of the most popular posts.

What are readers of Addiction Inbox interested in? Although scarcely scientific, a look at the most-viewed posts here over the past couple of years is indicative of general interest—or at least indicative of the general drift of Google searches on topics related to addiction and drugs.

Ranked by overall page views, from most to least, here are the ten most-visited blog posts on Addiction Inbox:

The most popular post on Addicton Inbox by a considerable margin. With almost 700 reader comments, this post has evolved into a message board for people having problems related to marijuana dependence and withdrawal. Very interesting first-person stuff attached to a rather straightforward post. Continues to grow like Topsy.

A continuation of the discussion of marijuana withdrawal, or, as the director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Nora Volkow calls it, “cannabis withdrawal syndrome.” 100 reader comments thus far.

Sometimes you just gotta get back to basics.  Inquiring readers want to know.

A lively debate on the new, smokeless nicotine delivery system. Electronic cigarettes use batteries to convert liquid nicotine into a heated mist that is absorbed by the lungs. The latest in harm reduction strategies, or starter kits for youngsters?

Another good response to a medical post about a drug for seizure disorders and migraines that shows promise as an anti-craving drug for alcoholism. People are getting more accustomed to hearing about medications for addiction.

Not a big surprise.

Another comment-heavy post concerning a controversial study of withdrawal effects from smoking cigarettes and pot.

Something of a merger here between two consistently popular topics--cannabis and brain science. After the Sanskrit “ananda,” meaning bliss.

Readers seem to take seriously the notion that certain forms of overeating are substance addictions.  This post focused on sugar's drug-like effect on the nucleus accumbens, a dopamine-rich brain structure in the limbic system.

Increased tolerance, craving, and verifiable withdrawal symptoms--the primary determinants of addiction--are easily demonstrated in victims of caffeinism.


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