Getting through opiate detox without drinking alcohol or using other drugs

Learning about Opiate Detox before You Begin

Beginning an opiate detox is a stressful time. Your body has become accustomed to the drug, and it had a strong hold over many of the bodily systems. While quite uncomfortable, the pain decreases gradually as the body frees itself from the chemicals Whether heroin, codeine or other pharmaceutical variations on the drug, the process is generally quite similar It will be a miserable time, but in the end it is well worth a few days to a couple weeks of discomfort during opiate detox to free oneself from the grips of opiate addiction.

One of the most noted early signs of withdrawal is felt in the bowels. As opiates cause constipation, ceasing the intake will promptly end this problem. That means diarrhea, sometimes rather severe. While generally accompanied by nausea, it's vital to remain hydrated at this point. Taking small and frequent sips of cool water will help one ensure that their system is not going into dehydration, which will complicate the process. Vomiting is also quite common in the early phases of opiate detox and is stressful to the system. Being hydrated will make both of these concerns less worrisome.

Opiate Detox

 Strange nerve sensations are commonly suffered when the addict starts to come down during opiate withdrawal, and can range from crawling skin to unbearable itchiness. Being aware that these annoyances are part of your body's process of ridding itself from harmful toxins can make them easier to manage, but there's not much that can be done to alleviate the problem. While various medications can be prescribed by doctors to ease the symptoms of opiate detox, many of these drugs contain opiate alkaloids and will only serve to decrease the dependency rather than eliminate it.

Consulting a treatment center or your regular doctor before beginning an opiate detox is a very good idea because with the right help you can get through detox and go home without having to drink of use other drugs. Whether you choose to begin your sobering up in a dedicated addiction treatment center or under the observation of your general practitioner, there is yet another option called rapid opiate detox it's important to seek some medical guidance on the matter. Each person's body will react in a slightly different way, and some will suffer more severely than others. Knowing what to expect can make the process more manageable. If you are aware of what is going on in your body as the drugs start leaving your system, the pains and sensations will be much less frightful.

When they actually begin one could check out some 12 step meetings like NA to get there mind off of it. Many addicts at the meetings have been through the exact same thing you are going through. They may be able to offer up some valuable suggestions how you can make it through but at the least they will be in your corner to support you through your this is a good feeling to know that we no longer have to go through our opiate addiction alone. Lastly I will say that if this does not work for you then you may want to consider going to long term drug rehab.


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