Heroine Addiction A Major Problem of Society

Heroine Addiction A Major Problem of Society

One of the most habit forming and fast acting illegal drugs that is a monster to kick and this may be putting it mildly is heroine addiction. The spreading epidemic of heroine addiction dissects across all social classes, and race lines, making it difficult to contain and causing health professionals and authorities to become increasing concerned. It not only disrupts the lives of the addict but also those who are close to them. Many end up doing a lot of time in prison for a drug related crime or die from heroine overdose. It took me over 30 years to stop using heroine.

Heroin is synthesized from morphine, which occurs naturally in poppy plants. Its drug classification is an opiate and a depressant. The color of heroin can vary greatly from a white powder, to an off white powder, or brown or black sticky substance, with a street name of black tar heroin.

                                        Black tar heroin

 It is usually cut with another substance such as sugar or starch which lowers the potency. Most street users do not know the exact level of strength of heroin they are using when shooting heroin. This does not bother the addict even though every time they shoot their dope it is like playing Russian roulette.

The largest producers of heroin are Afghanistan, Pakistan, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Mexico, and Columbia. Each of these areas uses a specific method to procure the heroin. The DEA conducts the Heroin Signature Program to determine the origins of the confiscated drugs. They also test the drug for purity.

The long term affects of heroin use are severe and long term. The most obvious harmful effect of heroin use is the addiction itself. The repeated use causes a physical dependence and an increased tolerance to the drug. Withdrawal can happen in as few as a couple hours after the last uses and this is one reason why heroin have a healthy fear of heroin detox. Many abusers of heroin inject the drug that causes the spread of HIV or hepatitis.

Now if you want to get help for this insidious addiction or disease I would recommend going to heroin addiction rehab. The reason I say this is because in this type of treatment setting you will be monitored around the clock by a trained medical unit. They will administer medications to help you with your heroin detox. A lot of people including myself claim they suffered very little during from there withdrawal. The thing here is that you must take action in order for this to happen. The entire heroin detox usually is completed in less than a week. I would however suggest that upon completion that you continue your recovery in residential treatment anyway that’s what the winners do that remain clean after leaving rehab for any substantial amount of time. If you choose not to go you are going to relapse and there is no doubt in my mind about that I have seen it time and time again.


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