Hydromorphone- Dilaudid addiction can be overcome with drug addiction help

Addiction to Hydromorphone Dilaudid

Hydromorphone is a very dangerous and potent painkiller. Dilaudid which contains Hydromprphone comes in many different forms such as pill form, liquid, and shot in the buttocks or hip area and an I.V. drip. Hydromorphone is very addicting, so when using Diaudid you should follow the doctor’s orders.

The way that Hydromorphone works is that it inhibits pain in the central nervous system and increases your pain tolerance and alters your pain perception. If you do develop an addiction to Hydromorphone it is very important that you seek a medical detox to help you with the withdrawal process. Also if you feel that you may be starting to become addicted to dilaudid you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.

Getting through dilaudid withdrawal

Now every one that becomes addicted to this drug were not using them off the streets like some addicts do. I know for a fact that heroin addicts love this drug and where ever you can find heroin these pills will not be far behind.

I used dilaudid as a secondary drug incase I ran low on heroin because 30 years ago you could buy them with the change you had in your pockets. Some would call this the good ole days but I have learned to tell the truth most of those days were pure D shit.
Back to what I was saying some people come by their addiction legitimately. That’s right many people were introduced to dilaudid after a surgery or severe injury and were taking them for pain and one thing led to another and before you know it they were addicted.

Now they too have to figure out how to overcome this nasty drug and find drug addiction recovery. Now this is no easy matter but trust me anyone can stop using drugs, lose the desire to use drugs, and find that life is better without them.

My suggestion to anyone who is addicted that it does not matter how or why you became addicted to drugs what matters is that you want to do something about it. This basically means you have a desire to change. So if you have the desire to change now is the time to stop using drugs.

This can be done in many opiate rehabs around the country and as a matter of fact many of them offer a medical dilaudid detox. Now if you have ever been through dilaudid withdrawal then you know what a relief it is to be deoxed like this. I have been detoxed this way many times and I can say this that once the medication used for the withdrawal kicks in you will not suffer at all.

Do not waste anytime getting your drug addiction help because if you continue to use there is no telling what kind of consequence you will have to face but I can tell you this none of them will be to your liking. Many people have said oh I will quit drugs tomorrow I just want to get high one more time and guess what it was there last time because they died from a drug overdose or complications of addiction.

How to overcome Dilaudid addiction

                                        Dilaudid 4 mg

Some of the signs that you or someone that you love may become addicted to Hydromorphone are vomiting, nausea, irritation, sweating, tremors, shaking, and flu like symptoms. Also if you or someone you love becomes obsessed with getting the drugs then you know right there you have a serious problem with dilaudid addiction.

There are many people who say that they have become addicted after just one use. This was not they case for me they made me sicker than two dogs and I puked my guts out but that did not stop me from using them. I did eventually realize that I had a  dilaudid addiction after continued use for over a year. Don’t get me wrong I was addicted long before that but looking back that’s when I can see the unmanageably the best.

Hydromorphone-Dilaudid addiction

When you become addicted to this drug the withdrawal symptoms are the same as with most other opiates. The dilaudid addiction withdrawal symptoms are in the same category as those from Oxycodone and Vicodin. The symptoms that you will have to deal with will depend on the amount of time you were on the drug and as well as the length of time and how many milligrams you were using per day. Never mix Dilaudid with any other opiate drugs or alcohol because it can be fatal or cause a dilaudid overdose.

There is all kinds of help out there for addicts today so there really is no excuse not to stop using dilaudid. You can even look on the internet for a rehab in your vicinity or better yet ask someone who has been. They will be able to give you the lowdown and what you can expect. One thing in order to make this happen you are going to have to get up off the couch and take action.

Good luck

Dilaudid addiction video 


  1. There are several side effects that are caused by addiction to this substance. Some of these include dizziness, loss of concentration, insomnia, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach and restless leg syndrome, and even psychological problems.Dilaudid Addiction

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