How to help a friend or loved one get through a DXM addiction

How to help a friend or loved one get through a DXM addiction. DXM addiction it turning out to be a major problem in world today.

DXM or dextromethorphan is a widely used cough suppressant, commonly related to codeine as an over-the counter medicine. Users of any drug can have effects that can help or hurt a particular user depending on the amounts used at any given time. This can be found under other common names in medicines used by most households. However, side effects can include euphoria or excitability if not used as directed. Dependency of dxm is very mild, but also can be psychologically dependent to a user if strict guidelines are not followed as with any drug, or over the counter medicines.

How to stop using DXM

In the world of medicines this is used for helping with coughs or mild forms of colds. It can have great purpose to helping cure most people that feel under the weather. However are youth have found out from their peers that this dmx will get them high so they begin experimenting with it and this is how they become addicted to dmx.

We need to warn them of the devastating side effects of dxm and the real possibility of dxm overdose.
If for any reason someone should overdose on dxm or in other words use to much or this medication other than the medicines purpose it may cause effects that lead to shortness of breath or even liver damage or possibly death if taken in doses over 1500mg that are not prescribed by a physician.

However, as with any drug, a user may feel they are dependent which is typically caused by repeatedly taking more of the drug than the directions called for or an amount higher than 10-20 mg.
Every person is different in effects given by a particular drug so it is best if you’re not sure to consult a doctor so there aren't any effects that should not be present. If used correctly dxm can help those who actually have symptoms of a cold.
How to Overcome dxm addiction

If you or someone you know has a problem with this drug I would consult a drug addiction rehab and find out what the best treatment to help you beat dmx addiction. I would imagine it would call for a short term stay in residential treatment just like all other addiction drugs and alcohol. I would not wait things will get worse before they get better if you continue to use dmx so stop using dmx today and get the help you need.
Good luck


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