Common danger signs and symptoms of LSD side effects

Common danger signs and symptoms of LSD side effects
Lsd side effects can be very traumatic; they include anxiety, depression, paranoia and flashbacks. "Acid" is a powerful hallucinogen that can distort reality to the point that one using the drug can think he or she is able to fly. This may sound unrealistic to those who no nothing about the drug but trust me it is possible.

When taken the drug is effective for approximately 8 hours. The 2 to 4 hours in the middle of the "trip" is what users will refer to as the "peak". During the peak the user will have all kinds of hallucinations all kinds; for example, see the walls melting and the grass growing right before their eyes.

                      Blotter acid or LSD

Due to the powerful hallucinations that a user can experience during usage it is hard to determine which side effects are more dangerous the immediate ones or the long term ones. When someone is walking through reality with no comprehension of what is happening the results can be catastrophic.
LSD side effects Let me add here that prolonged use of Lsd can lead to LSD addiction. It is not a physical addiction but a mental and this can but just as bad or worse.

The drug can produce anxiety, depression and paranoia during its use as well as the days following its use. These symptoms can be mild to severe and there is not always a direct correlation between the dosage and the severity of the symptoms. During use physical side effects such as increased heart rate, excessive perspiration and acrid taste can occur.
How to overcome lsd addiction

Repeated use of the drug can cause permanent mental disorders. The phenomenon of "flashbacks" is one of lsd's unique side effects. Other psychedelics like peyote and mushrooms do not appear to cause this side effect. Flashbacks can occur anytime after the drugs use, even after years have passed. Flashbacks are a re occurrence of the drugs effects.

If you want to avoid the terrifying acid flash backs that can occur years after one uses this drug then you need to stop taking LSD. If you can not stop using lsd  on your own seek professional help there is plenty of it out there available to you so take action and get help now.

Good luck


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