How to overcome LSD addiction

LSD Addiction

Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, abbreviated as LSD, is used or experimented with for the first time by some 200,000 people a year and more than that suffer from LSD addiction. Though not as prominent as some drugs such as heroin and cocaine, LSD yet presents a danger that is no less real. Discovered by accident in the 1930’s, it was at first thought to be a useful drug for both medicinal and psychological purposes. However, it quickly became apparent that its benefits are far outweighed by the serious threat it poses.

LSD is not physically addicting, but it does have certain physical side effects. These include higher blood pressure and heart rate, difficulty sleeping, sweat, shaking, and pupil dilation. By far, however, the greater impact of the drug is on the mind and the psychological effects it produces.

LSD is an extremely potent hallucinogenic drug, causing vivid and realistic deliriums and visions. Depending on the hallucination, it can foster feelings from both ends of the scale, such as paranoia, depression, euphoria, and more. These phantasms provide the draw that drives a person to addiction, especially if the potential for a relatively pleasurable high is better than the reality. Persons who face traumas such as abuse, poverty, or other personal problems turn to drugs in order to escape the harsh reality, and the quick effect of LSD is an appealing factor.

While the statistics of those who abuse LSD are still high, the efforts of certain organizations have helped to increase awareness, and in the last decade the numbers have declined considerably.

How to overcome LSD addiction

Even though it said that this drug is not physically addictive I would take that piece of knowledge with a grain of salt because there are many addictions that do not have physical side effects; for example, gambling addiction is not physically addictive but it still destroy numerous lives each year. There are more dangerous  lsd side effects associated with LSD that I will cover in another post that I am working on. I will add the link here when I am finished.

I would strongly suggest that if you think you may be addicted to LSD that you seek help right away and stop using LSD. Help for LSD addiction can be found in rehabs around the country. Look for a drug rehab center near you and give them a call and make arrangements to go to drug rehab now. Just remember that you must take action if you really want to learn how to beat lsd addiction.

Good luck


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