What is the cure for alcoholism

What is the cure for alcoholism

If you are searching for an alcoholism cure, I'm sorry to say there is no such thing in other words there is no cure for alcoholism because it is a disease. Now even if there is no cure the disease can be arrested and to do this all you have to do is stop drinking alcohol.

You can ask any recovering alcoholic and they will tell you how that they deal with temptations to pick up the bottle again on a regular basis. Even though alcoholism has no cure there is recovery and sobriety. If this is what you consider a cure, then yes, I suppose there is one.

If you are trying to get off the bottle the first thing you need is inpatient treatment. You need to be taken away from the ability to get your hands on any type of alcohol. Usually after a couple of weeks or so you should be ready to go home. Let me just say here as ready as your going to be.

You should try to have some friends or family go to your home before you get there. Have them take all the booze out. Also, have them clean the place for you. It is comforting coming home to a nice clean place and it should help you relax a little.

How to overcome alcoholism and stop drinking

From this point on, you are going to need some help. The best way how to help an alcoholic would be to let them know that AA meetings are a great start. I would suggest that you go to a meeting every day. I have known alcoholics and drug addicts that go to 2 or 3 meetings daily. Next thing is a you are going to need a solid support system.

This should be people that know you that will take the time to listen and try to help you through your first stages of recovery. The best people for this are other members of AA. Sometimes it may be good to have a friend or family member check in on you or even stay with you for a while to make sure you are getting back on your feet. A cure for alcoholism may not really be possible but recovery is.

Good luck


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