Suboxone Detox can help get through opiate withdrawal

Using the suboxone detox method to get through opiate withdrawal without using alcohol or other drugs
If you are addicted to opiates such as oxycontin, percocet or heroin, opiate withdrawal can be a very difficult and painful process.  A good way to help you through withdrawal while bypassing many of the painful side effects is to use Suboxone detox.

Suboxone is a synthetic opiate that satisfies the brain’s craving for an opiate so that you do not feel the pain of withdrawal.  Unlike heroin, it will not make you feel high, and that fact makes it a very useful aid to withdrawal.  Fear of withdrawal is one reason why many addicts are so reluctant to stop using opiates even when they hit rock bottom and the reason for this more times than not is the fear of going through opiate withdrawal.

Suboxone detox

Most people who got to rehab these days for opiate addiction are detoxed with suboxone. In my case I was detoxed from heroin in only like 3 or 4 days. After I completed residential the doctor asked me if I would like a prescription for suboxone. I said yes and he put me on suboxone maintenance.
Suboxone treatment for opiate withdrawal.

One ingredient of Suboxone is the opiate blocker Naloxone, which prevents heroin and other opiates from latching onto the brain receptors.  Because opiates have to attach to receptors before they can have an effect on the pleasure centers of the brain, Naloxone ensures that even if you inject Suboxone, you will not feel high.

Getting through opiate withdrawal

The biggest drawback of Suboxone is the price.  The normal dose is two pills a day, and at a cost of about $8 per pill, this can add up to $500 every month.  Unfortunately, it is not covered by insurance; so many people are unable to access Suboxone for their opiate withdrawal.

However, if there is any way you can afford the price or if you can persuade a friend or relative to loan you the money, it is well worthwhile. I mean sometimes you just have to do what you have to do especially if you are trying to overcome anopiate addiction. When I started on Suboxone, I knew I no longer wanted to use drugs, and I was ready for a clean start but it turned out that I was not really ready to stop using opiates.
Suboxone detox helped me with my opiate withdrawal from opiates without being defeated by the drugs. It can help anyone who has surrendered to the idea that they can no longer use drugs successfully because every time they use they can not stop until they run out of money, go to jail, ect, ect…

If you can not afford suboxone for an opiate detox but really want to give it a try then if you think you can kick your opiate habit in one month then try the Red Cross they will usually fill one prescription for you they did me. My thoughts on this are nothing beats a try but a failure.

Good luck


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