How to get the Fentanyl addiction help you need and successfully get through withdrawal

If you are struggling to get clean from a fentanyl addiction and think then you might need to go to an opiate rehab.  The fact of the matter is that many people who struggle with drug or alcohol addiction will never be able to get clean and sober on their own, and they need help.  If you have tried to quit in the past but failed to do so then it is time to ask for help.  Go to opiate addiction rehab and you have a real chance at changing your life.

 Getting through fentanyl withdrawal with an opiate detox

If you do choose to go to rehab then you can expect to be in detox from fentanyl for a few days if you have been using drugs or alcohol recently.  There you will be supervised by medical staff and they will probably give you medicine to help you get through fentanyl withdrawal.

Residential treatment

After this you will likely go to residential treatment.  Most rehab centers are similar in the services that they offer and most of them have the same basic setup when it comes to their programming but you may want one that specializes in opiate addiction.  They will all probably have lectures and group therapy, for example.  Most will also have group meetings and group discussions and various activities.  And of course, most rehab centers are going to be based on the 12 step programs of AA and NA.

What percent of you will be able to stay clean after leaving opiate treatment?

This is not necessarily good or bad, it is just the current state of treatment right now.  If you look at the numbers across the board, you will probably decide that it is more "bad" than "good" right now, because rehab does not produce great success rates in general.  Probably about 5 percent of those who attend treatment will remain clean and sober with no slips at all for a full year.  The actual percentage might be a bit higher or lower than 5 percent, but most studies put the number close to that.

If you are looking for a rehab that boasts a higher success rate, you can probably find one, but it is a scam.  There are no higher success rates and there are no magic shortcuts to recovery.

If you take a thousand addicts and alcoholics and send them to various treatment centers, you are going to get the same basic rates of success regardless of which treatment centers you send them to.  Sometimes different numbers get published regarding this because people measure differently, but I can assure you some of you will get clean and sober and stay that way.  Treatment is treatment.  Pick one and go.

Good luck


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