Getting Through the Pain, Discomfort, and Clonazepam withdrawal Symptoms Safely and Effectively

A Clonazepam withdrawal is very common when an addict checks into a drug treatment program. This drug is used to treat severe pain, anxiety attacks and panic attacks.

When someone is in a great deal of pain, they will be provided with this drug in order to make things a lot easier during the process of getting the help they need but is most prescribed for anxiety. While an addict is dealing with pain, this drug will be given to provide some relief.

However, this can often lead to an additional Clonazepam addiction because of the feeling that they would otherwise suffer without access to this pain medication. A withdrawal from Clonazepam will result in some serious health problems include back pain, neck pain, headaches, vomiting, difficulty sleeping and inability to keep foods down. High fever and joint pain are also very common as a result of withdrawals. Getting the help of a professional is the best way to get through these withdrawals.

Side effects of Klonopin withdrawal

· dizziness

· unbalanced

· memory problems

· aches and pains in joints or muscles

· frequent urination

· blurred vision

· craving the drug

· insomnia

· no sex drive or ability

Now for the best kind of help one can get to get through this type of withdrawal and addiction is to seek help from a drug rehab that specializes in Benzodiazepines.

They will be very familiar with all benzo’s like xanaz, valium, Librium, klonopin, and many more. They will be able to help you to deal with your benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms by giving you prescription medications to make the withdrawal process more comfortable.

I would suggest that anyone who has been on this medication for a long time that they do not try to stop using Clonazepam alone due to the fact the withdrawal can be very serious.

It is fairly easy to find help for any kind of addiction these days one of the best ways I can suggest to you how to find a substance abuse treatment center of your liking is to go online and search. I would look for one close to home so that family and friends can participate in your recovery from benzo’s.

When you do locate one that you think you may like to enter give them a call and let them know of your desire to quit using Clonazepam and ask them what is the earliest that you can come in because you do not want to delay. The reason for this is that if you delay the process you are more than likely going to change your mind and continue using drugs.

Good luck


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