How to deal with Vicodin and Alcohol Addiction without drinking or taking other opiates

People often view vicodin and alcohol addiction as one single problem when they occur in the same individual. Most people who suffer from any type of addiction have a different underlying person. If a person becomes addicted to more than one substance, he has two problems.

The addict still has to deal with any underlying causes, such as depression or other mental illnesses.  The patient also has to go through the withdrawal process for both drugs. When he completes the withdrawal process and detoxification process, he needs to go on to some form of rehab.

It may seem strange, but it does not take the body much longer to detox from two drugs than it takes to detox from one. The liver and other filters take the toxic substances out of the body at a steady rate. The organs serve this purpose well under normal circumstances.

The normal circumstances cause the filtering process to work fine for many years.  Even though these organs are designed to do this, they can only handle so much. Alcohol abuse can cause permanent and irreversible damage to the liver. Vicodin can damage it as well. The addict faces double trouble if he has been abusing both for years.

Both the prescription painkiller and alcohol are physically can cause a person to become physically and psychologically addicted to them.  It is easy to take care of the physical dependency.

How to overcome vicodin addiction

The psychological dependency is much harder to overcome. An addict will have to overcome it every day of his life. He may even fall off the wagon from time to time. It is not the easiest thing to do, but it is well worth the effort. There are many people who have been in the same place.  An addict does not have to take the journey alone.

Basically if you have a problem with alcohol and vicodin addiction and want to stop drinking and taking vicodin I would suggest that you seek some addiction help. This can be done either in an alcohol rehab or an opiate addiction rehab. I would suggest that if you are a heavy drinker that you find a place that can detox you safely because alcohol withdrawal can kill you. With that being said what are you waiting for help is just a phone call away.

Good luck


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