Getting Through the Pain, Discomfort, and Withdrawal Symptoms of valium addiction

Diazepam was actually the second benzodiazepine ever invented it was released for use in 1960 and later an improved version was released in 1963. The market name for diazepam was to be called Valium. Valium proved to be very successful and was later was coined mothers little helper. The reason for this is that a lot of house wives found about this drug in a very short time. They found it to relive the stress of every day living and they thought it was a miracle drug.

What they did not know at the time is there would be a price for this and the price was valium addiction. Back in the day all anyone had to do is go their Dr. and tell them that they were having anxiety problems and they left with a script of valium. Now day’s things have not changed that much but it is somewhat harder for people to obtain a script of valium. If they do prescribe it then it more than likely will only be enough for a short duration.

How to stop using valium aka benzo’s

Valium was one of the first drugs that I started to abuse the reason for this is because I liked its euphoric effect. I played the Dr’s back then just like a lot of other addicts I knew. If you think you may have a valium addiction then I would recommend going to treatment if you want to stop using valium because it can be quite dangerous if you suddenly stop taking them. One thing that could happen is seizures that could lead to death.

I think perhaps the best way how to stop taking valium is to look for a treatment center that specializes in benzodiazepine addiction detoxification. If you are reading this you probably already know there are a boatload of other benzo’s like xanax and ativan so you should apply this strategy to stopping them also.

If you have only been using them for a short time and do not think you will have any serious side effects if you were to try to stop valium at home then one could taper there selves off of valium. This can be done by taking a little less of the drug each day until you are finished.


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