Understanding drug abuse statistics and how you can use them to get clean and sober

Reading drug abuse statistics can give you a basic understanding of what people are facing when they have been addicted to drugs for a long period of time. When someone has been using drugs for more than five years, they are three hundred percent less likely to overcome an addiction than someone that has been using drugs for just one year.

When you apply this information to your specific situation, you will see that time is a big factor when it comes to getting over an addiction. However, this should show that it is important to seek help for an addiction as soon as possible. 

Using drug addiction statistics to beat addiction

When an addiction has become established, it will be even harder to change the habit in that addiction definition future. If you are serious about getting help, you want to find a treatment program that you are comfortable checking into today. Do not wait another day, your life is on the line and you need to do something to change your reality this can be established in substance abuse counseling.

Something else that you will learn from drug statistics is that most addicts do not find the will to overcome addiction for good. While this information may seem like a negative, it is important that you decide it is time to change your life.

Once you have decided this, you do not want to let anything stop you. While the numbers show that treatment does not often stick during the first attempt, there are millions of people that find the strength to leave addiction behind every year. 

If you want to change your life, you need to stay on the path to changing your life. Find a treatment program you are confident in, apply the techniques and do what is needed to ensure that you remain sober. Taking this approach will give you a drug free future.

For people who want to stop using drugs I would suggest to them that they pay little mind to the statistics about drug addiction. I know when I was getting clean and sober in a treatment center they showed us a video about heroin addiction and to make a long story short they said that a very low number of heroin addicts get clean and stay clean. Now this bothered me for a while I mean my thoughts were why would they show you something like this in rehab especially to a newcomer. I understand now why they did it but at the time I did not have a clue.

Good luck


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