How can I deal with my opiate addiction while getting through withdrawal successfully and recover from drug abuse

Are you struggling with an opiate addiction? One thing you should keep in mind that once a drug addict hits rock bottom they often decide that it is time to get help. An addict who is going through opiate detox faces numerous uncomfortable symptoms. An addict should never try to give up drugs without the help of medical professionals unless you have absolutely no other choice.

Those who have an Opiate addiction should spend their opiate withdrawal and recovery time in a live-in rehabilitation facility. Live-in treatment is the safest way for someone to go through the opiate detox process. Medical professionals will be able to monitor an addict's opiate detox symptoms and provide appropriate pain relief medications as needed.

Getting through opiate withdrawal by weaning off drugs

Another common method that is used as addiction help with opiate addicts going through withdrawal is to wean them off of the drugs safely by administering low doses of methadone. The methadone will reduce withdrawal symptoms and keep the addict from becoming ill while they go through the withdrawal process.
Now if you are addicted to opiate pills and want to taper off of them I would suggest that first you talk with the prescribing physician if possible. If it is not possible then you can try taking one less pill per day if this is too much then try a half pill a day.

It would be a good idea to give someone that is trusted your medication and ask them to dole them out to you each day because if you are indeed an  addict you will not be able to do this by yourself. I tried it and I ended up eating the whole prescription.

Beat opiate addiction with a rapid opiate detox

In some cases opiate addicts are treated with a rapid opiate detox with anesthesia while going through withdrawal. While the person is sedated, medical professionals accelerate the opiate detox process. This method does not take long and is a good option for many addicts. One thing you should keep in mind if you are considering this method is that some people have died during this process from being under too long.

Many addicts prefer opiate treatment

Most opiate addicts will need to spend between three and six months in a opiate treatment facility before they are ready to live on their own. Once someone leaves the treatment facility they will need to continue attending regular meeting for recovering addicts as well as group and individual therapy. It is a well known fact that those who surround themselves with people who have the same goals of staying clean are the most likely to avoid relapse.

NA is a great place to start substance addiction recovery

One of the best places in the world I have ever seen for this type caring and concern for the well being of others in the program of Narcotics Anonymous. There are many benefits of the NA program one of which is it does not cost a thing to become a member on narcotics anonymous all you need to have is the desire to stop using. Another huge benefit is that these meetings can be found all over the world.
So if you really have the desire to get some drug addiction help.

I would suggest that you give NA a try. If you do you will find a brand new bunch of friends not like your old friends who pretty much used you as a means to get high. These will be friends that will have your back when you need addiction help the most.

Good luck


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