How you can get clean and stay clean after heroin withdrawal

How to stay clean after heroin withdrawal I am sure anyone who has been through this has asked this question a time or two. How am I going to stay clean. That was me the only thing I knew how to do was use drugs. I could not hold a job for long nor could I hold my marriage together drugs were the most important thing in my life. I felt like I had to be high for every thing I did. I had to be high to be around my family and friends it did not matter what I had to be high. We need to have a relapse prevention strategy.

How to stay clean and sober after heroin withdrawl

Now lets talk about how to stay clean after your withdrawal from heroin. OK I believe in NA meetings and I know this is not for everyone but it is working for me; although, I believe it is important to incorporate other things into ones life, to me in my opinion meetings are not enough we need more. I went to 90 meetings in 90 days and after that things started to change. I started going to school and I still am.

I used long term drug rehab to overcome my addiction to heroin because nothing else work. I went to short term opiate rehab time after time and could not grasp how to stop using heroin. Now days rehab is only like 2 weeks. So if you have to be detoxed from heroin that takes around 5 days give or take and the remainder will be spent in residential treatment.

My point here is that is not a lot of time for hard core heroin addicts to learn the addiction recovery tools they will need to stay clean and sober. My suggestion is that if any of this sounds familiar then look into going to long term drug treatment.

I am currently getting very close to getting my degree in Social Work. I chose this line of study so that when I finished I would be able to put it to good use by helping other addicts learn how to stop using heroin just like I did. This is what I mean by incorporating things into your life. I will add that it feels good to be doing something positive with my life.

One other thing that needs to be incorporated is a healthy lifestyle by this I mean a proper diet and plenty of exercise. I take long walks each and every day this helps a lot and I do it whether I want to or not. All of these things when lumped together will help any addict stay clean and you can make your on plan of action why not start today.

Good luck


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