Understanding the Side Effects of Vicodin and how to use them to overcome hydrocodone addiction

How to deal with the side effects of vicodin or hydorcodone. Whether used appropriately or abused, Vicodin accounts for a large number of the prescriptions filled in the US each year. In fact is has ranked as the third highest pharmacy-tracked prescription drug at least once in recent times. The problem is far too many people are unaware of the side effects of Vicodin and how these can affect them.

The drug affects the mental and physical well-being of users, especially those who fail to take it as prescribed. Plus, prolonged use can also be an issue. Overall there are 55 known side effects of Vicodin which are categorized as common, infrequent and rare. It is important to note that many of these symptoms fall into groups or are versions of each other (example rash, hives and giant hives which can be lumped under the term "urticaria"). These 55 known side effects are broken down as follows:

· 6 common ones classified as less severe.

· 24 infrequent ones with 10 classified as severe and 14 classified as less severe.

· 25 rare ones with 6 being classified as less severe and 19 as severe.

It must be noted that the list is extensively broken down for regulation and legal reasons. Furthermore, the fact that these side effects exist does not mean everyone taking them will experience any or that any one person will experience all. It is however important for persons using the drug to be aware of all possible symptoms so they can know when something is awry.

One very important thing to be aware of is vicodin addiction when this happens the person will need to take more than normal to get the desired effect.

It is therefore best for users to speak with their care provider or pharmacists to see if a complete list can be acquired. In the meantime they should at least pay attention for signs of the common side effects of an addiction to Vicodin. There are feeling dizzy, experiencing drowsiness, feeling faint, weakness, blood pressure that is abnormally low and the general feeling of being unwell or sick.

How to use the integrated approach to drug addiction recovery

I know that there a lot of you out there that have tried practically everything in the book to get clean and sober and you always ended up relapsing. Well today I am going to share how I stay clean. I use a method that I like to call the integrated approach to addiction recovery.

The integrated approach basically means that I use a lot of techniques to overcome my addiction. If you are interested in trying this here is how to get clean and stay clean.

· I attended NA meetings and talk with my sponsor several times a week.

· Another good idea is to attend church

· I also attend celebrate Recovery meetings. Celebrate recovery is steadily grow in our area we have 3 or 4 so I would suggest that you try to find one in your area.

· I also exercise on a regular basis I have a small dog and I like to take her for long walks every day.

If you have tried other methods without much success why not give my method a try?


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