How to Recognize Heroin Overdose Symptoms and what you can do to help

When someone experiences heroin overdose symptoms, they may find that it comes upon someone who is unconscious with blue lips. He may observe rapid and shallow breathing. If the individual knows how to take a pulse, it is also possible that they may notice that this person has a rapid heartbeat.

Before a heroin overdose of heroin victim enters the unconscious stage, some of these symptoms are present.  If the patient realizes what has happened to him, he may have the presence of mind to call for medical help but this is very rare and usually not the case because they are enjoying the high so much and do not want to see it end. Most drug users do not overdose on these drugs intentionally. They simply take too much when they are partying and getting high.

I was a heroin users for over 30 years and my thing was shooting heroin. Now keep in mind that this can be particularly dangerous if you do not know how pure the dope is that your getting. I was kind of a greedy addict and I would shoot a lot more dope than what was necessary.

The wise person knows that the intent of the user does not matter. What he knows is that if he does not help a person suffering form an overdose, that person is likely to die.  The key to survival is acting as quickly as possible.

How to help someone that has succumbed to an overdose of heroin

Where I came from when someone fell out or overdosed the first thing we would do is empty their pockets and relieve them of any dope or cash that they had on them. Then we would do what we could for them. Sometimes it was as easy as putting ice on their private parts and other times we had to call an ambulance.

If you have ever had this experience and lived through it and are still using heroin I would suggest that you seek help right away because you never know when you will take a fatal overdose its kind of like you never see the bullet that actually kills you.

There are many good opiate rehabs out the that can help you with your addiction to heroin. The good thing about them is that the addict can be medically detoxed so they will not have to experience any harsh heroin withdrawal symptoms

Make plans to locate a rehab near you today and give them a call. I can tell you this I am glad that I went to rehab because I am clean and sober today. If I had not have made the decision to stop using heroin I seriously doubt that I would be writing this trying to help others to get clean.

Good luck


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