What are the Long term effects of methadone and how to overcome opiate addiction

Methadone is an oral synthetic opioid in the same class with heroin that is medically used as an analgesic and treatment for opioid dependency. Methadone Maintenance Therapy is for individuals who failed to abstain from illicit drug use but would like to maintain opiate abstinence for significant periods for several months to a number of years.

Desired normal results after administration for chronic pain is pain relief to the point that the pain is tolerable. For opiate drug addiction control purposes, is that the individual reduces illicit drug intake almost immediately upon start of treatment and total abstinence as the treatment progresses.

Adverse effects to Methadone use is rare but common long term effects of Methadone are usually sweating, constipation, dizziness, drowsiness, itching, urine retention, stomach cramps, sleep related abnormalities like insomnia and nightmares, change in libido, and altered appetite. Rapid dosage increase may cause euphoria, drowsiness, mild nausea, and vomiting.

How to get through and beat methadone addiction 

If you are addicted to this medication the best thing you can do for yourself is to enter some sort of drug rehab. It has been my experience that being methadone is an opioid drug then your best bet to successfully beat methadone would be going to opiate rehab.

· Make up your mind that you really want to stop drug abuse
· Locate an exceptable rehab near you
· Then make plans to enter substance addiction treatment as soon as you can

If you are struggling to beat an addiction to methadone then think about drug rehab and taking the proper action to do something about your problem.  It all starts with action and therefore it all starts with a decision to take action.  Surrender to the idea that you can no longer use drugs successfully and then make the decision to do something about your problem.  The only thing that is required is action.

You can ask for help and ask for guidance and people will generally show you where to go and what to do.  If you ask around and ask the right people and ask those who care about you where you can get some help they will almost always direct you towards treatment.

You might get on the phone and call around to local treatment centers and ask them what you need to do to get some help.  Either they will help you directly or they will point you in the direction of someone who can.

Now once you are at this point of earnestly seeking help for your problem then you are almost right where you need to be.  The only thing left for you to do now is to start the ball rolling and then never stop.  That means that  you need to start chasing a new life in recovery and start taking massive action every single day.

This might start with a trip to rehab and it will only end on the day that you die (or relapse).  Now you definitely do not want to relapse and so your new goal in life is going to be to aim for continuous personal growth.  For many people this will be a spiritual quest, but it does not necessarily have to be put in religious terms in your mind.
You can pursue a new life in recovery and make it one of continuous growth without getting caught up in religious ideas.

Some people will gravitate towards a more spiritual solution and that is fine.  The truth is that the solution is holistic and that can easily accommodate both a spiritual and also a less religious approach.

Pushing yourself to grow holistically in recovery is really the point of any spiritual quest, and any drug rehab that is doing their job properly will push you to do this in your recovery.  Most rehabs actually will do this and so it is up to you to follow their simple suggestions and take massive action after you leave rehab.

Good luck


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