How to use Alternative Addiction Treatment to overcome drug abuse

It is an astonishing number as that is the best method available now to fight against substance abuse and alcohol addiction. Is it likely that one can go for better alternative treatment than this one? Are there any other addiction cure methods existing for the individuals who want to quit alcohol and substance abuse?

· Celebrate Recovery program is a great alternative addiction treatment that is based on the

· 12 steps using Christian recovery principles

· Treatment for alcohol and substance abuse

Perhaps, some alternatives may be present, but the popularity is very less and almost many of them do not know about them.  For instance, there are treatments available that include 12 step alternative celebrate recovery program that is based on Christianity and religious programs that provide helping people become sober and clean.

It should be studied, whether these alternative treatments are more efficient or not. It is tough to get precise figures on the achievement of the 12 step recovery program. But, it is much tougher to obtain the correct data on whether the small alternative programs work or not.

Honestly it is a matter of personal preference. It really is not important at all which model or what type of recovery program you choose. The thing to keep in mind is once you do choose one you will have to be committed to taking action to make sure that you are doing all you can to stay alcohol and drug free. It may not be easy at times but once you have been clean for a while you will be glad you made the right decision to stop drug addiction.

Many of these programs have been helping drug addicts and alcoholics to stop using drugs and find a new way to live for quite some time now. They all work but you are the one that has to work in and for a successful drug addiction recovery you will have to work it every day.

There are many drug rehab centers that can help you to get clean and sober and change your life, but only if you are willing to put in the effort.  Rehab by itself is no cure for addiction and really does not do anything special all by itself.

It is a must to use you drug addiction recovery tools as follow up care after leaving substance abuse rehab 

What is truly important is the follow up care after rehab and the amount of work and effort that the recovering addict is willing to put into their ongoing sobriety.  If the addict is not willing to put in this ongoing effort to maintain sobriety, then there is really little point in going to a California rehab center at all.

Of course nobody really knows if they have this effort in them or not before they try....not even the addict themselves.  So sometimes the best we can do is to encourage treatment and push people to try and recover and hope for the best.  But staying clean and sober for a year is a little bit like climbing Mt. Everest or becoming the greatest sports hero on the planet.  It takes an awful lot of work and no one who is not super dedicated to the goal is going to follow through with it.

In other words, if someone is just flirting with the idea that they might like to give sobriety a try, then this is a terrible candidate for rehab.  The fact is that they do not have much chance at this point until they have a radical shift in their experience.

They would have to break down much further and surrender totally to the idea that they cannot use drugs or alcohol successfully.  The person who is casually imagining that recovery might be a good fit for them is nowhere near the point of surrender.

The true point of surrender that actually has a chance at producing meaningful sobriety is more like a point of serious desperation where the addict cannot picture themselves either living or dying, either continuing on with drug use or getting clean.

They reach this desperate point and cannot imagine a possible future.  That is the moment when they should give in and agree to go to rehab.  If they are at this moment then it is likely that they will have a good shot at staying clean.  This is because they have finally broken through their denial and can admit that they are totally screwed up due to their drug use.

Now if they become willing to do something about it then get them to go to rehab and expect them to transform their lives.  If have not yet surrendered then it is probably not worth pursuing just yet.

Good luck


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