All about how to stop snorting hydrocodone and overcome vicodin addiction

Drug abuse is a problem known to almost everyone and people are trying new things to get high like snorting hydrocodone. There are many substances that people abuse nowadays. Most addicts and abusers do not care whether they are using prescription or non-prescription drugs as long as they get the euphoric effects that they want. One of the common topics among health and support groups is sniffing hydrocodone.

Hydrocodone is usually prescribed to patients who are suffering from extreme pain. This includes patients who are under rehab and are experiencing hydrocodone withdrawal symptoms. Some patients would lie to their doctors about the pain that they are feeling just to get a higher dose of drugs like vicodin which contains hydrocodone.

Is it possible to overcome an addiction to vicodin?

If this prescription medication is abused long enough the person will develope a vicodin addiction but with help one can beat vicodin.

Sniffing hydrocodone is done by crushing hydrocodone tablets however it comes with many side effects such as clogging the nostrils and addiction. Many prefer crushing the tablets than swallowing them because of the faster onset. Whatever reason lies beneath, it is a must to consult a doctor before ingesting or doing anything with hydrocodone to avoid detrimental side effects. Doctors who specialize in drug rehab care are best to consult when it comes to hydrocodone

What are my options for opiate detox

Opiate addiction is an addiction that has a deep hold on its host. The effect of the drug on the addict produces a much distorted view of reality on the individual addicted to it. The addict in general finds there self truly at the mercy of the drug. Opiate addiction treatment has many methods that have evolved to give the struggling addict a fighting chance to rid their selves of this addiction. Some addicts attempt to do the unsafe method of  trying to  “going cold turkey opiate detox” This in essence is the practice of stopping the opiate addiction by just stopping the use of the drug without any other assistance medically. This is not a very wise choice for the addicted user to follow it has many very serious consequences.

There are several rehab centers that can help you beat a hydrocodone addiction and any of them can help you if you are willing to put in the footwork.  What is footwork?  It is the massive amount of effort that it takes to stay clean and sober after you leave rehab.

Being in rehab is easy.  It is like a mini vacation.  Staying clean and sober while in rehab is a breeze.  Anyone can do it, even the hardest of drug addicts.  There is no real challenge in being clean while in rehab.

They even give you medication to help you to feel more comfortable.  This should be obvious, that the real challenge starts when you leave rehab.  When you finally walk out of the door of treatment, you once again have complete freedom to do whatever you want.  No one can stop you from using drugs and alcohol, and it is entirely your choice if you want to do so.

So how can a rehab center prepare you for this moment?  How can they prepare you to choose sobriety in spite of this freedom?  What can they do to show you the path to sobriety?

Most rehab centers take the approach of giving you "tools."  They teach you about relapse prevention, they introduce you to the 12 step program, they encourage you to go to meetings every day, they might line you up with some counseling or intensive outpatient after you leave, and so on.

This grab bag of "tools" approach works for some people and not for others.  But it is actually a very good approach because some solutions will work better for different people.  For example, there are some people who do just fine with regular counseling every week, but they do not do so well in group therapy.  On the other hand, some people excel in meetings and groups, but do not really benefit much from individual therapy.  So it is nice to have a variety so that you can find what works for you.

Once you find what works for you, the key is to apply it in your life with a great deal of enthusiasm.  If you just take a modest approach to your recovery solution, then you will probably end up relapsing eventually.  Instead, you have to put a full effort into recovery and take massive action.  That is the key--to take massive action every single day and do positive things towards your recovery.  Anything less is a recipe for relapse.

Good luck


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