Is hillbilly heroin running your life and you want to know how to stop using oxycodone

Oxycodone also known as Hillbilly heroin is used to manage chronic or acute pain. It can also be used to treat diarrhea predominant irritable bowel syndrome and severe diarrhea. It is a drug that can be addictive though.

What are the side effects of Oxycodone 

Some of the effects that people may get from taking it are memory loss, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, disturbing nightmares, dry mouth, heavy sweating, and anxiety. Some people have experienced abdominal pain, urine retention, loss of appetite, and hiccups. In over doses, high doses, or in people who cannot handle the drug, it can cause clammy skin, shallow breathing, circulatory collapse, and death.

People can experience oxycodone withdrawal symptoms if they stop using the drug abruptly. So if they are using oxycodone, they should gradually wean themselves off it. The symptoms of withdrawal can include panic attack, muscle pain, fever, and more.

So if you are taking oxycontin drug for something and are starting think that you may have an oxydodone addiction just remember the first thing you should do is to contact the doctor that prescribed them too you.

The reason for this is that they can set a schedule to wean yourself from oxycodone. If that dose not work or you think it will not they more than likely know of an opiate rehab that can help you.

· Contact prescribing physician

· Make a commitment to slowly wean off of oxycontin or percocet

· Go to an opiate addiction rehab or treatment facility

One of the best ways to get help to overcome this nasty addiction is to go to drug rehab. I would try and locate one within driving distance from where you live then you family and friends can come to the rehab on visiting day to support you. It is very important for a recovering addict to feel that they matter and are loved. I know for a fact that a lot of addicts feel that they are not.

The good thing about going to inpatient drug treatment or rehab is that you can be medically detoxed from oxycodone. Most people with this type of addiction are afraid to go through withdrawal and being detoxed medically you can rest assured that you will not suffer from withdrawal from oxycodone once the prescription medication they give you to ease the pain of withdraw kicks in.

A lot of people who become addicted to this medicine will also use heroin because its cheaper but its probably more addicting and one could end up with a hillbilly heroin addiction which can be worse because you never know what the heroin is cut with.

I would suggest that if you want to stop using oxycodone that you seek help right away because that things will get worse I know this to be true because it happened to me. I thing to keep in mind is that addiction progressive and fatal; in fact, a lot of folks end up dying from an overdose before they get the help they need to quit using.

Good luck


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