How do you know if someone needs Meth Addiction Help

How do you know if someone needs Meth Addiction Help

Do you know someone in need of meth addiction help? To help this person you must first understand this drug and the highly addictive and deadly effects it has. Meth is known by several different street names such as, crystal meth, ice, crank, speed, uppers, go fast, and chalk. It can be made up from numerous household ingredients, such as battery acid, lantern fuel, anti freeze, acetone, drain cleaner, nasal sprays, most of which are highly poisonous. The long-term use of meth can create numerous health issues, including heart attack, kidney failure, lung problems, brain damage and stroke.

 I think that most meth addicts already know what is in it and how it is made. I used to wonder how could they put that shit in their bodies and then I had to think about the stuff I put in mine and I got a better understanding. When one is addicted to any drug it does not matter what is in it I used to have a sponsor who said back when he was using he would have drank liquor out of a hound dogs ass if he could get it to hold still long enough.

Symptoms of meth use vary with each individual, but the most common are inability to sleep, jumpy or nervousness, lack of appetite, tremors. A meth addict will often scratch or pick at non-existent things on their skin, resulting in sores or scabs covering their body. If the addict continues to use for several day without sleep, they can experience hallucinations, and become very violent.

The best way to deal with someone addicted to meth and to help them to find meth addiction recovery, is to involve family and friends to do an intervention. Before doing the intervention, do your homework, have several different treatment options for them, whether it be outpatient or inpatient. One thing to remember, an addict will only get help when they admit they have a problem, this is where the intervention becomes necessary to make the person aware of their behavior. Because meth is so highly addictive, it is one of the hardest drugs to quit doing. Be patient with the person you are trying to help, most addicts will fail when first trying to kick their habit.

Good luck


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