Signs and Symptoms of Amphetamine Addiction and abuse

Signs and Symptoms of Amphetamine Addiction and abuse

One thing that stands out to me as far as amphetamine addiction is that this drug is very powerful psycho stimulant drug which mimics adrenalin in a users' mind, often aiding to give alertness and concentration in other words it will speed your body and mind up. It is often used in medicines to help people with attention-deficit hyperactive disorder.

Amphetamine is related to drugs such as Methamphetamine (Meth) and Lisdexamphetamine. When a prescription amphetamine addict runs out or can not find any pills they will often turn to meth addicts on the streets to cop some crystal meth to tide them over.

Picture of Amphetamine pills

Moderate use of amphetamine can give one a mild high while also increasing energy and helping with concentration. When someone uses too much amphetamine, they may have effects similar to those of illegal drugs with symptoms such as: hallucinations, euphoria, the desire to talk, irregular heart beat, dilated pupils, confused sensations, and other, more life-threatening results.

Addiction to speed or amphetamine usually occurs when one takes the substance often. The user’s body adjusts to the amphetamine levels and one needs more and more to retain a high this is a clear and oblivious sigh of amphetamine abuse.. When the effect of amphetamine wears off, it can leave a user feeling very low and depressed, making them want to take more. When one gets to this point its time to stop using speed.

Although you are not as likely to become addicted to prescription amphetamines as those who simply use drugs for pleasure, it can happen.

How to overcome amphetamine addiction

Very few people who become addicted to prescription amphetamine do so with the intention of getting high or using it as an illegal drug. Instead, they are prescribed amphetamine and become hooked against their will.

If you know someone who is addicted to amphetamine, please don’t be harsh with them since this may not be their fault. Instead of being critical, realize that they are the victims and assist them in getting the help they need. Help can come in the form of rehab clinics, drug abuse hotlines, counseling, or 12 step programs. If you are addicted to amphetamine, realize that this addiction was not your choice, but getting away from this powerful drug is.

If you truly want to stop using amphetamines there is hope. Like was mentioned above a 12 step program like Narcotics Anonymous is a great start. Recovering from any drug is difficult but if you put the effort you put into NA that you put into using amphetamines you should be fine. We have found that if we put our whole selves in we will get our whole selves out. It is my suggestion that you start by attending a meeting every day and along the way get some phone numbers from other recovering addicts and use them. I would also look into getting a sponsor.

Good luck!


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