Beware of suboxone side effects to your body

If you are wondering what the suboxone side effects are, maybe this will help you. First off, suboxone is good for those who are suffering opioid dependency. There are no cravings for the drug and the withdrawal symptoms only last for a short period of time.

Suboxone is manufactured by Reckitt Benckiser Pharmaceuticals, Inc. It is approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of addiction. The doctor can give you the drug only if he or she has passed a special test. The pills are either .5 milligrams of naloxone and two milligrams buprenorphine or two milligrams of naloxone and eight milligrams of buprenorphine. It should only be given under the tongue and allowed to dissolve under it.

What are the side effects of suboxone?

If it is chewed or crushed, the naloxone will block the opiate receptors which may not give the user adequate relief. The drug is only scientifically tested for use of 16 weeks. The drug is used to help people withdraw from heroin, lortab, methadone, lorcet, vicodin, morphine, and more.

Some of the suboxone effects that one may experience are sleepiness, weakness, sickness, stomach pain, puking, and headache. Things like driving, controlling machinery, and swimming should be avoided while using this drug. In rare cases liver necrosis and Hepatitis came about.

It can also cause respiratory depression which may result in death. So you should not increase your dosage of the drug. Overdose can also cause symptoms of cold and clammy skin, circulatory problems, lowered blood pressure and heart rate, allergic reactions that affect breathing, and cardiac arrest.

Using the drug for a long time may reconstruct receptors that were burnt when you used opiates. Severe allergic reactions may occur while using suboxone. If you have difficulty breathing, loss of coordination, persistent dizziness, slurred speech, severe stomach pain, slow or shallow breathing, or tightness in the chest, contact your doctor as soon as possible.

So if you thinking about taking using this medication to help you with your opiate withdrawal contact a doctor who that is licensed to do so and help you get started. Also make sure you follow everything that he tells you to do so you will be fine.

How to use suboxone to overcome heroin addiction

I went to rehab some years ago to detox with suboxone from heroin addiction and was given suboxone for around five days. I can tell you that it does work you may be a little uncomfortable depending when your last drug use was but as soon as the medication takes effect you should be fine if not they will increase your dosage.

After I finished my detox I went to residential treatment where I learned some valuable information on how to stay clean and sober when I left drug rehab. Just before it was time for me to leave the Dr. wanted to talk to me about getting on suboxone when I left treatment. He ended up writing me a prescription for six months of the medication.

I think this medication is a good one for anyone who is trying to stop using opiates.

Good luck


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